dinsdag 14 december 2010

And the sun wil shine, it shines for you!!!

Last night there was snow.... just a little, so that's OK. And the temperature was just about 5 degrees below zero. This morning we took a walk in the woods and the sun was shining!! That was asking for some new photographs of MYLO. And it looks like Mylo knew it and he was posing in the sun!!

donderdag 9 december 2010

How do these holes get in my socks? (Funny Movie)

My husband was complaining about the holes in his socks and now we know who did it:

It was our little scamp!  LOL!

woensdag 8 december 2010

donderdag 2 december 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow !!

There is still a lot of that fluffy white stuff coming from the sky and Mylo loves it!!! Since there is snow, Mylo's ears stopped working. He is just doing all the things he wants and ignores us completely!

Today is an extremely cold day: it is  - 6 degrees but it feels like - 15 outside.

Thanks for visiting Mylo's blog and for leaving us a comment! We love it!