donderdag 6 december 2012

Mylo and Nora's first snow this year.

This picture was taking today during our daily walk in the woods. There has been a little snow overnight and it was the first time this year. Our weatherforecast says there's gonna be much more snow tonight. Bbrrrrr I don't like it, but I think the dogs don't mind.

Thanks for looking!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Well if they are anything like Fraz they will be as excited as a kid at Christmas!! He absolutely loves it in the cold, fresh air!!

    Sam xxx

  2. Prachtige foto !!! Zou je moeten vergroten en ophangen ! Je zou er ook een fotowedstrijd mee kunnen winnen ! Veel liefs van Stef en Linda en een knuffel van mama ENNI X
